Rosetrees Translational Fellows Award 2024



The aim of the Rosetrees Translational Award is to catalyse translational research that will provide patient benefit within 5 to 10 years. Funding can be used to cover the additional costs associated with the translation of research. The award is for £150K over 2 years and can be used across a broad spectrum of research including:

  • Novel therapeutics 
  • Drug repurposing
  • Devices
  • Surgical techniques
  • Diagnostics
  • Imaging technologies
  • Digital solutions/App development
  • Cell therapy and regenerative medicine
  • Early-phase clinical studies evaluating feasibility

Applicants will need to demonstrate that the objectives of their proposal to Rosetrees are unique and distinct to that of their career development fellowship. Projects should have clearly defined milestones and demonstrate progress in the technology readiness level (TRL) of the research. The definition of TRLs can be found here. Please refer to these definitions when submitting your application. 

Key Information


Up to £150,000 over 2 years.

Submission Opening


Submission Closing


Notification of Outcome



The funding available is for up to £150K over 2 years. 

This funding is flexible and is designed to cover additional costs associated with the translation of research. We will consider funding staff salaries (excluding PhD studentships), consumables, animal costs, consultancy fees, outsourcing to contract research organisations, software/app development, IP landscaping, regulatory approval and other service providers.

Funding cannot be used to fund the salary of the fellow. Candidates must be funded for the duration of the Rosetrees-funded award either by a fellowship or another guaranteed funding source. 



Candidates must already have a career establishment/ development fellowship from the ERC, UKRI, The Royal Society or Wellcome Trust. 

Candidates can apply anytime after 18 months after the start of their current eligible fellowship. Candidates must be funded for the duration of the Rosetrees-funded award either by their fellowship or another guaranteed funding source.



We are delighted to invite applications for translational research across the whole spectrum of bio-medical research. Potential applicants must demonstrate a clear pathway to translation and how this funding will result in clinical benefit.

Projects should have clearly defined milestones and demonstrate progress in the technology readiness level (TRL) of the research. The definition of TRLs can be found here. Please refer to these definitions when submitting your application. 

All applications must be made on our Rosetrees Flexigrant Portal, which will open on August 19th 2024. If you would like clarification on whether your proposal fits the remit of the call, please contact our head of research, Dr. Vineeth Rajkumar ( with a brief summary of your proposal. 

Instructions for applicants can be found here.

Review Process

All applications will be initially checked for eligibility. An expert panel will review all applications and shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview by our panel. The final funding decision will be subject to internal approval.


For further general enquiries regarding eligibility and the application process, please contact Bryan Thal ( in the first instance or alternatively Richard Miller (

Apply here on flexigrant

To apply please go to our Flexigrant Application Portal. Please register your details and select either the intermediate or major project grant application scheme.