Rosetrees is a private charity, supporting medical research and we take a great personal interest in the researchers we support. We meet with all our researchers, understand their work and develop long term relationships.
In 1987, Nat and Teresa Rosenbaum celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary by establishing Rosetrees as a charity to give back to society. They started with nothing and then built a successful business with hard work, intelligence and the ability to think laterally.
Initially, the focus was on social and elderly causes. However, a request in 1990 to fund an approach to cancer of targeted chemotherapy was the catalyst for Rosetrees to focus on early support for cutting edge medical research. It was in keeping with the founders' venture philanthropy philosophy of providing seedcorn support for the best new ideas.
Rosetrees has since expanded from a grant-giving charity that helps scientists test new ideas that may lead to new treatments in the future, to one that also funds translational research into areas that may soon deliver earlier clinical benefits in areas such as cancer, heart disease, strokes and diabetes.
Today, Rosetrees is headed by Nat and Teresa’s son, Richard Ross, who was awarded the Spear’s Philanthropist of the Year Award in 2011 and a CBE in the 2021 Queen's New Year's Honours List. Richard has applied his father's lateral thinking approach to allow many early scientific ideas to evolve. He is supported by a small, highly skilled team and advised by experts in all areas of research. Together, they are committed to finding, funding and following the best medical ideas, advised by some of the UK's leading scientists.