Rosetrees Major Project Awards



Major project grants support innovative research projects with an established proof-of-concept. It is expected that our funding will enable projects to develop further towards clinical translation and should target an unmet clinical need impacting a significant patient population in the UK. Proposals focusing on rare diseases will also be considered if applicants can demonstrate that their research has potential applications to a broader range of clinical conditions. This will be the only project grant round this year.

Key Information


Up to £210,000 over 3 years, capped at £70,000 per year.

Preliminary Application Submission

Full Application Submission

Submission Opening


Submission Closing


Submission Opening


Submission Closing


Notification of Outcome



Project grants are for up to £210,000 over 3 years, capped at £70,000 per year

This funding is intended for more advanced translational research backed by robust supporting data. Projects must demonstrate a realistic potential for clinical translation within 5-10 years after the completion of this Rosetrees grant.

Funding can be used to fully or partially fund salaries for post-doctoral research associates, research technicians, and research assistants. In exceptional cases, we may consider funding PhD stipends, provided the prospective student is integrated within a larger research programme (e.g., a clinical trial or programme grant) and there is a clear rationale that Rosetrees' support will add significant impact.

Funding may also cover research consumables, sequencing, animal costs, and other reasonable operational expenses (e.g., access costs). While small equipment purchases may be considered, grants cannot be used solely for the purchase of large capital equipment. 



The principal applicant will usually have a tenured post or be able to demonstrate that they will have a salary for the lifetime of the grant. They must be a researcher holding a PhD (or equivalent) with a track record of managing grants, delivering research studies and a strong publication record. 



Applications will be considered in two phases. In the first instance, applicants are invited to submit a preliminary application, which will be triaged by our panel. Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to submit a full application which will be sent for external peer review. 

This funding scheme is highly competitive, so please review the following requirements before submitting an application.

Application requirements:

  • Matched funding: You can apply for up to £210K over 3 years from Rosetrees, but the application must include an element of matched funding alongside the amount requested from Rosetrees to cover directly incurred costs. This matched funding can come from secured grants or in-kind support. In some instances, we may consider applications with pending matched funding, but any Rosetrees award will be contingent on the confirmation of this funding.
  • Patient benefit: The focus of the project awards is to support highly translational research with the potential to deliver patient benefits within 5-10 years after completion of the Rosetrees grant. Applicants must provide a clear strategy for achieving this goal.
  • We receive significantly more fundable applications than our budget can support. Our priority is to fund as many projects as possible, so we strongly encourage all applicants to carefully evaluate and justify their costings, requesting only the minimum funding needed to conduct their research.

Review Process

  • All applications will undergo an initial eligibility check. Expressions of interest will be evaluated by an internal scientific panel, which will select the most promising submissions to proceed to the next stage. This triage process will consider several factors, including:

    • Scientific quality

    • Clinical relevance,

    • Research team's track record

    • Potential for further development and clinical translation.

  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full application, which will undergo specialist external review. The highest-scoring applications will be further shortlisted and reviewed by a scientific panel, which will make funding recommendations.

  • We will prioritise applications that can provide some element of co-funding to the directly incurred costs. Applications that will potentially benefit a small patient population must show that their research could have broader applicability in the future to a wider patient population.

  • The final funding decision will be subject to internal approval. Please note that some applicants may be interviewed prior to final funding decisions. 


Prior to contacting us please see our FAQs page.

For general enquiries regarding eligibility and the application process, please contact Richard Miller ( 

Apply here on flexigrant

All applications to Rosetrees are made through Flexigrant.