PhD Plus
PhD Plus awards are intended to extend a 3-year PhD into a 4-year studentship. The aim of these awards is to allow students who have already made outstanding progress to carry out additional studies that will greatly add to the value of their research and potentially result in high-quality papers or further funding.
Key Information
Funds given for over 6 to 12 months
Stipend of £1603 pcm (outside of London) OR stipend of £1770 pcm (within London)
£650 pcm for consumables
Submission Opening
Submission Closing
Notification of Outcome
Flexible funding that can run for 6-12 months.
Stipend of £1603 pcm (outside of London) or stipend of £1770 pcm (inside London).
Up to £650 per month for consumables.
Applicants must be either Rosetrees-funded PhD students or clinical fellows or work in a Rosetrees-funded laboratory (supervisor or co-supervisor holds an active Rosetrees grant).
Applicants must be 3-year PhD students who are entering their 3rd year. Students who have already submitted their PhD thesis are not eligible to apply.
We will consider applications from clinical and surgical fellows to convert a MD/MS into a PhD.
Review Process
Applications will be assessed by a scientific panel and selected for funding based on their scientific quality and the potential impact of adding a 4th PhD year.
Applications that will potentially benefit a small patient population must show that their research could have broader applicability in the future to a wider patient population.
The final funding decision will be subject to internal approval.
Prior to contacting us please see our FAQs page.
For further general enquiries regarding eligibility and the application process, please contact Richard Miller (
Apply here on flexigrant
All applications to Rosetrees must be made through Flexigrant.