Rosetrees Interdisciplinary Awards

Exploring the mechanisms of environmental impacts on public and human health



The 2025 Rosetrees Interdisciplinary Award aims to support cutting-edge research investigating environmental impacts on public and human health. We are looking for proposals that investigate how factors such as air pollution, climate change, and exposure to environmental toxins, carcinogens and microplastics affect health from birth to adulthood.  

Research must be interdisciplinary and could involve collaborations between clinicians/clinician scientists, surgeons/ surgical scientists, discovery scientists, and environmental/ toxicology/ epidemiology and public health experts, focusing on understanding the underlying disease causative mechanisms and developing novel strategies for prevention, mitigation, and intervention.  

Proposals must emphasise the potential for translational research and real-world applications that can improve public health outcomes. 

Key Information


£330,000 paid over 3 years

Preliminary Application Submission

Full Application Submission

Submission Opening


Submission Closing


Submission Opening


Submission Closing


Notification of Funding Decision



The interdisciplinary award is for £330,000 paid over 3 years. This funding can be used to support any aspect of the proposed research. We will fund directly incurred costs associated with the project, including salaries, consumables and other running costs. We will not fund directly allocated costs, indirect costs or PhD tuition fees. We will consider travel costs (max. £1000).

Funding can be used to fund salaries for post-doctoral research associates, research technicians and research assistants. In special cases, we may consider funding PhD stipends. In these cases, the prospective PhD student must be embedded within a larger programme of research (e.g. a clinical trial or a programme grant) and there must be a clear case that Rosetrees support will provide additional impact.



Applications should be interdisciplinary and clearly represent collaboration between a clinical specialist (clinician/clinician scientists, surgeons/ surgical scientists) and a non-clinical specialist with expertise in a relevant discipline. Applications can relate to any disease or medical condition that affects a significant proportion of the population. 

The two lead applicants should be tenured academics within the host institution. Only one ID award application can be made per host institution. However, in exceptional circumstances, we can consider applications from two departments in two separate host institutions if, for example, one of the institutions does not host a medical school. In these cases, the lead institution will be the one hosting the medical department and will be the only application allowed from that institution. Please contact Rosetrees in advance if more than one institution is involved. 



Please note that the deadline for submission of preliminary applications to Rosetrees is 5pm on 3rd March 2025.

This substantial award draws many applications and this year we are inviting shortened preliminary applications before inviting full submissions. We will only accept one application per university/institution and it is up to each host institution to select the single best application for submission to Rosetrees. Please contact your research office to enquire about the internal application process.  

Once the best application has been selected by the Institution/University, the lead PI can access the preliminary application form on our Flexigrant portal. 

To access a pdf of the preliminary application form click this link: 2025 Interdisciplinary Award preliminary form


Review Process

  • All preliminary applications will be initially assessed by a specialist Rosetrees Scientific Panel.
  • Successful applicants will  then be invited to submit a full, more detailed application that will be sent for specialist peer review.
  • The highest-scoring applications will then be reviewed by a panel of specialist reviews who can comment on the specific area of work.
  • The final funding decision will be subject to internal approval. 


For general enquiries regarding eligibility and the application process, please contact Bryan Thal ( in the first instance or Dr Megan Sealey-Bright ( 

Please note that our offices will be closed from our office will be closed from lunchtime, 24th December and will reopen 2nd January 2025.  

To apply initially, please contact the Research and Innovation Office at your institution. They will be managing the process and will be able to provide the guidelines. 

Apply here on flexigrant

Please contact the Research and Innovation Office at your institution. They will be managing the process and will be able to provide the guidelines. 


2024 - Enhancing prenatal health to foster improved lifelong well-being for both mothers and children - Retinal biomarkers in pregnancy as a novel predictor of cardiovascular disease

2023 - Interactions between the human host and infectious pathogens - Bubbles for breaking bone biofilms

2022 - Medicine and Artificial Intelligence - Using AI to deliver personalised care for sepsis to critically ill children

2021 - Medicine and Engineering - Ultrasound to treat Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, and diseases of the brain

2020 - Medicine and Chemistry - Improving immune responses to sugars for a protective vaccine against HIV