Project Grants
Project grants support innovative and established research projects with an established proof-of-concept. It is expected that our funding will enable projects to develop further towards clinical translation. This will be the only project grant round this year.
Key Information
Up to £210,000 over 3 years, capped at £70,000 per year
Submission Opening
Submission Closing
Notification of Outcome
Staff salaries. Funding can be used to fund salaries for post-doctoral research associates, research technicians and research assistants. In special cases, we may consider funding PhD stipends. In these cases, the prospective PhD student must be embedded within a larger programme of research (e.g. a clinical trial or a programme grant) and there must be a clear case that Rosetrees support will provide additional impact.
Research consumables and other running costs directly attributable to the project.
The principal applicant will usually have a tenured post or be able to demonstrate that they will have a salary for the lifetime of the grant. For major project grants, the principal applicant must be a senior researcher holding a PhD (or equivalent) with a track record of managing grants, delivering research studies and a strong publication record.
We are delighted to invite applications for project grants across the whole spectrum of bio-medical research. As we have a fixed global budget to cover all the projects, applications with matched funding towards directly incurred costs may stand a greater chance of success as this allows us to support more projects.
If you are considering applying for a major project grant, please send an expression of interest to Dr. Vineeth Rajkumar ( including a brief summary of the proposed research, number of patients that could benefit, how your research will address the unmet clinical need and what co-funding opportunities exist to support your project.
Review Process
Project grants will be selected for funding based on their scientific quality as determined by external review, a track record of the research team and potential to deliver patient benefit. For major project grants, we will prioritise applications that can provide some element of co-funding to the directly incurred costs. Applications that will potentially benefit a small patient population must show that their research could have broader applicability in the future to a wider patient population.
All applications will be initially checked for eligibility. An initial triage by an internal scientific panel will select the best applications that will be taken forward for external review. Triage will be based on the scientific quality, clinical need, track record of research team and potential for further development and clinical translation. Selected applications will then be sent for external review. The best-scored applications will be shortlisted and considered by a scientific panel who will make funding recommendations. The final funding decision will be subject to internal approval.
Prior to contacting us please see our FAQs page.
For further general enquiries regarding eligibility and the application process, please contact Richard Miller (
Apply here on flexigrant
To apply please go to our Flexigrant Application Portal. Please register your details and select either the intermediate or major project grant application scheme.